
The South Central Archive documents, preserves, and celebrates intergenerational stories by Indigenous, Black, Brown, Immigrant, LGBTQIA2S+, system-impacted, and people of all abilities in South Central.

Ancestral Acknowledgement

We dedicate this declaration and work to our Native and indigenous brothers, of the first nations of this continent and of the whole world, we offer our greatest respect, for their unspeakable struggle in defense of our mother earth, of the rivers, of the mountains, and of the great seas, and of the sacred wind. 

We make our declaration before the great energy of the sacred day and of the sacred night and to you, O Great Spirit, allow us to write our stories, our acknowledgments, allow us to write our hard reality and allow us to write our happiness, may this serve as a testimony, as an example,  for all future generations. 

May the good harvests, and sowings of our wisdom, flourish in times to come.

In Solidarity,

Nesha Xuncax, Mayan Elder



We prioritize the representation and participation of historically underrepresented people including Indigenous, Black, Brown, Immigrant, LGBTQIA2S+, system-impacted, and people of all abilities that live in South Central Los Angeles.

We honor the spiritual legacy, wisdom, resilience, and healing power of our ancestors. 

We are committed to promoting language justice by creating multilingual spaces where everyone can exercise their fundamental right to be heard and one language does not dominate over another. 

We are transparent in our decision-making process and programming. 

We engage community in the stories we archive and value their input. 

We honor contributors for their time and emotional labor.

We're grateful for our partners.